
Arduino Nano with 328P

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for you great work, is there a way to run your Jeti_ExBusSensor with Arduino Nano on 328P processor ?

Thanks a lot

Basicly this project uses the features of the 328PB
To run it on a basic 328P there are some changes necessary:

  1. turn off the Kontronik protocoll
  2. change the exbus uart from 2 to 1
  3. change the "system" timer to another one basicly every 1ms interrupt is okay,
    i.e. the SW usart output (OC1B) could be used instead
  4. delete the rpm measurement
  5. delete the ic4 "PIN low" Message

I haven't tested it, but I thing these should be the major topics. I hope that give you a hint.
