
client who uses vraptor controller interfaces to create a proxy and access the resources

Primary LanguageJava


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when writing a java client app for rest based service, you must have duplication. You need to duplicate urls, paths, parameters type and order. What if you could just use an interface and call it's methods? It would send the correct http request, with all already done for you. jax-ws-client aims to do that. It's a proxy handler implementation that will use a simple which describes your server's implementation, building correctly a request to the service.

For example, imagine a rest controller:

public class ClientController {

    public String save(Client client) {
		log.info(String.format("Saving client with name %s and age %d", client.name, client.age));
		return "ok";


now a Clients interface:

public interface Clients {
   String save(@Named("client") Client client);

int the client, you just have to inject the proxy implementation and use the interface:

public class ClientTest {

    Clients clients;

	public void test_save_client() {
		Client client = new Client();
		client.age = 25;
		client.name = "andre";
		assertEquals("ok", clients.save(client));



git clone git://github.com/andrerigon/jax-ws-client.git
cd jax-ws-client
mvn install


The interfaces will need to use @Named annotation to indicate parameters name. Without that, paranamer won't be able to figure out params names.

The proxy handler classe is:


it needs four constructor arguments:

  • a class implementing org.jaxwsclient.RestClient - it will be in charge of doing the http requests
  • the base path for the request
  • a class implementing org.jaxwsclient.ResultParser - it will parse the response and deal with exceptions
  • the class to be proxied

to create a proxy, you'll need to do:

RestProxyHandler.newProxy(restClient, path, parser, clazz);