Learning Appium

This is a personal project used for learning Appium for mobile automation.

It uses the Minitask as the app under test.


The code is written in Java and uses the following libraries / frameworks

  • Appium for driving the application on a mobile device
  • Cucumber for writing scenarios in natural language
  • JUnit for assertions
  • Spring for dependency injection
  • Faker for generating random fake data

Page Objects

The PageObjects (PO)s abstracts the actual implementation from the screen and provides an interface to driving it naturally.

Ideally it shouldn't have methods like fillEmailInput(String email) or tapOnSubmitButton() because these names are about the screen implementation, not its features.

A good method should indicate the action that the application will receive, hiding the "how" from its user, like authenticate(String email, String password) or nextPage().

It doesn't matter how the PO will achieve this actions.

Split implementation for Android and iOS

Sometimes the application has different behavior between platforms, and the PO/Test can get messy if we start to write conditional code.

This is solved by using Spring dependency injection framework to inject the PO in to the step definitions.

All PO's should have an interface defined and it should be used in the tests.

If a PO is specific for a platform (Android/iOS), it should be implemented in the corresponding package:

  • com.learnappium.pageobject.impl.android for Android PO's
  • com.learnappium.pageobject.impl.ios for iOS PO's

If a PO is generic and can be used for both platforms, it should be placed in the com.learnappium.pageobject.impl.common package.

⚠️ A interface cannot be implemented in the common package AND in the platform specific package. If this happens Spring will throw an error because it will not be able to decide which implementation should be injected.
