
Minimalistic media server intended to use with raspberry pi and mpv The server will generate a playlist file with the content of the directory specified in the configuration file.

Server side

git clone https://github.com/andres7293/pi-media-server
cd pi-media-server
# install dependencies
npm install
# build project
npm run build

Create a file named: media-server.json with the following content:

  "port": "8080",
  "media_directory": "<Path to your own media files>"

and then start the server !!!

npm run start

Client side

If you want to consume your media you can use mpv.

curl -L http:<ip address>:<port>/playlist | mpv --playlist=-
# Search specific file
curl -L http:<ip address>:<port>/playlist | grep -i '<search term>' | mpv --playlist=-

Delete remote files with mpv

cp mpv-scripts/del.sh /opt
cp mpv-scripts/input.conf ~/.config/mpv/input.conf

Edit input.conf with your own server address

In order to remove a remote file just press DEL key.