
Central repository for API Rest and Microservices type backend projects

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Api-Rest & Microservices

Central repository for Rest API and Microservices type backend projects.

  • Languages : Java, Javascript, Typescript, others.
  • Frameworks : Spring Framework, Serverless, Prometheus, Express, Nestjs, others.
  • Spring modules : Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data JPA, others.
  • AWS Services : Lambda, S3, SQS, SNS, RDS, Api Gateway, DynamoDB, others.
  • Technologies : Nodejs, others.
  • ORM : Sequelize, TypeORM, others.
  • Databases : MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, others.
  • Libraries : Resilience4J, Lombok, dotenv, cors, aws-sdk-v3, nodemon, express-validator, others.
  • Tools : Grafana, VSC, Postman, Maven, nodemon, swagger, Git, others.
  • Testing : Jest, Supertest, Mocha & Chai, others.

Index 📜


Implementation of Microservices for real estate with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Grafana, Prometheus and other Technologies. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Rest Api about electronic devices implemented with Express, Morgan, NodeJS, Sequelize, dotenv, cors, express-validator, nodemon, swagger, swagger-ui, PostgreSQL and other Technologies. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Rest Api for the management of shipments, products, points, routes, etc., exemplifying part of the Orders Now Shipments development architecture implemented with NestJS, NodeJS, TypeORM, dotenv, cors, swagger, swagger-ui, MySQL, others. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Api Rest for the statistical management of bioethanol production and sales implemented with Serverless-Framework, Api-Gateway, NodeJs, DynamoDB, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Lambda, among others. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Microservice for user management (ML) implemented with Systems Manager Parameter Store, Api-Gateway, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, NodeJs, Sequelize, Mysql, Amazon RDS, among others. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Api Rest for the management of Microcomponents implemented with Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, SpringFox, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Postman, Log4j, Git, SQLDeveloper, Oracle XE 21c and Other Technologies. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Centralized Version Control System Nodejs with Typescript, Nodejs, Jest, ExpressJS, others. 🔝

Used Stack

Microservice Paypal Orders with Typescript, Nodejs, Jest, ExpressJS, others. 🔝

Used Stack

Microservice OpenWeather with Nodejs, Jest, Api-Gateway, Systems Manager Parameter Store, Serverless-Framework, Lambda, others. 🔝

Used Stack

Microservice for employee management using Nestjs, TypeORM, MySQL, Nodejs, Typescript, nodemon, git, others. 🔝

Used Stack

Api Rest for the Microservice App_MicroFrontEnd_Productos with Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, JWT, Spring Data JPA, SpringDoc-OpenApi, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Postman, Log4j, Git, DBeaver, pgAdmin and PostgreSQL. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Development of a Rest Api with Spring Boot, SpringDoc-OpenApi, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Log4j and Oracle on Components for Microelectronics. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Rest Api about Electronic Products with Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data MongoDB, SpringFox, Swagger UI, Maven, Lombok, Log4j, Git and MongoDB. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Development of a Rest API with Spring Boot, Spring Security, JWT, etc. on Electronic Products. 🔝

Technology Stack Used

Collaboration on a Project on Covid-19 Core/Api-Rest Area with PHP. 🔝

Technology Stack Used