Faktory Example

This repository is a test of the Faktory tool.

How To Run

Ruby the project:

docker compose run node-app npm install
docker compose up

Use Case 1) Retry

Enqueue jobs to ruby-app:

docker compose run ruby-app ruby enqueue.rb

Use Case 2) Schedule

Enqueue jobs to node-app:

docker compose run node-app node enqueue.js push

It is going to schedule a job to run one minute ahead. You can discard the job by running the following command:

docker compose run node-app node enqueue.js discard <jid>

Use Case 3) Retry configuration.

Enqueue jobs to golang-app:

docker compose run golang-app enqueue

It is going to push 6 jobs to run asynchronously and will schedule 1 job in 30 seconds in the future.