
Kubernetes templates - React Flask Nginx Mysql Adminer

Primary LanguagePython

Kubernetes Templates

Templates for a Hello World app with

  • a React frontend served by a Nginx webserver
  • connected to a Flask API served by uWSGI and Nginx
  • powered by a MySQL database
  • with an Adminer role to visualise data.

app - The React app

A Docker registry is needed to push the docker image. Nothing to be changed for the app to run.

api - The Flask API

A Docker registry is needed to push the docker image. The MySQL database name must be provided in conf.py in place of <DATABASE>.

deploy - kubernetes deployments & services

  • Secrets must be created and base64 encoded.
  • Node Ports for app, api and adminer services must be specified in place of <PORT>.
  • Docker image names must be provided for api and app deployments.
  • app config files need the IP/host name and port of the API role in place of <HOSTNAME>:<PORT>.
  • First time the mysql deployment is created, the appropriate user(s) and database(s) have to be manually created, see deploy/README.md.


  • kubeadm_init: startup script for a 1 node (master) kubernetes cluster, e.g. inside a virtual machine. Assumes all setup steps as described in deploy/README.md were completed. Must be run as super user.
  • deploy: run this script to create all secrets, services and deployments, in the right order for pods to discover the right services.