
A dependency for spigot plugins that facility the plugin's creation

Primary LanguageJava

Andrescol Spigot Plugin Initializer

This library allows you to create Minecraft Spigot plugins faster.

How to Configure?

  1. Add the maven dependency:

  2. Add the maven-shade-plugin to build.plugins:

  3. Create your custom configuration class. This class will be used to load the configuration from the config.yml into an object:

    • Should extend from co.andrescol.mc.library.configuration.AConfigurationObject
    • Add the annotation @ConfigurationKey mapping the variable with the key in the config.yml
    • It supports: Boolean, String, Integer, Double, integer list and string list.


    public class PluginConfiguration implements AConfigurationObject {
       private String storagePath;
       private List<Integer> chestSizes;
       public String getStoragePath() {
          return storagePath;
       public List<Integer> getChestSizes() {
          return chestSizes;
  4. Create your plugin main class and extends from co.andrescol.mc.library.plugin.APlugin<C>, the generic type is your custon configuration class:

    • Overrides and implements onEnable and onDisable (org.bukkit.plugin.JavaPlugin). You don't need to load languages or configurations.
    • Implements the method initializeCustomConfiguration just need to initialize the custom configuration object


    public class MyPlugin extends APlugin<PluginConfiguration> {
       public void onEnable() {
          this.getCommand("mycmd").setExecutor(new MyCmdCommandExecutor());
       public void onDisable() {
       protected void initializeCustomConfiguration() {
          this.configurationObject = new PluginConfiguration();
  5. Create lang.properties file in the path resources with these values:

    • Other messages

Add Commands

This library allows you to add main commands and subcommand (one level of subcommands).

This library will show bad usage messages for subcommand using the language.properties properties INCORRECT_USAGE_{SUBCOMMAND_NAME}.

Using the AMainCommand class automatically you will have the help (COMMAND_INFO) and reload subcommand (it will use onEnable and onDisable from your plugin class)

  1. Create your main command class, it will validate the permission configured in the plugin.yml file. You can add subcommand or set a default execution of your command:
    public class MyMainCommand extends AMainCommand {
       public MyMainCommand() {
          this.defaultCommand = new DefaultCommand();
  2. Create the subcommand:
    public class MySubCommand extends ASubCommand {
       protected MySubCommand() {
          super("subcommand", "permission.cmd");
       public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
          // Main Logic here without permission validation or usages validation
          return true;
       public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command command, String alias, String[] args) {
          // Implement this if you want to autocomplete the inputs
          return new LinkedList<>();
       public boolean goodUsage(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
          // Verify usages: arguments and senders (not permission)
          return sender instanceof Player;


This library will manage a singleton for the Plugin class. You can access to your plugin instance using:

MyPlugin plugin = APlugin.getInstance();

Also, you can access to your configuration by:

PluginConfiguration configuration = APlugin.getConfigurationObject();

Send messages from your language.properties using and Enum or a String name:

AMessage.sendMessage(sender, Message.NOT_PERMISSION_OPEN, args[0]);