MUser ||--o{ Activity : creates
Activity ||--o{ Media : associates
Activity ||--o{ Label_Activity : associates
MUser ||--o{ Label: owns
Label ||--o{ Label_Activity : associates
MUser {
bigint id PK
uuid public_id UK
text full_name
text mail
timestamptz created_at
timestamptz updated_at
Activity {
bigint id PK
uuid public_id UK
text name
text description
text type
text status
text state
text[] tags
jsonb extra_data
bigint muser_id FK
timestamptz created_at
timestamptz updated_at
Label {
bigint id PK
uuid public_id UK
text name
text description
bigint muser_id FK
timestamptz created_at
timestamptz updated_at
Media {
bigint id PK
uuid public_id UK
bigint activity_id FK
text name
text type
text uri
text description
json extra_data
timestamptz created_at
timestamptz updated_at
Label_Activity {
bigint id PK
bigint label_id FK
bigint activity_id FK
timestamptz created_at
timestamptz updated_at
- Java 19
- Go (Improver job service)
- Spring Boot
- Spring RestDocs
- Micrometer
- Zipkin
- Loki4j
- Pyroscope
- Slf4j
- Maven
- GSon
- KeyCloak (SSO)
- OpenID Connect
- Postgress
- Asciidoctor
- Nginx
- Docker
- Junit 5 (Unit)
- TestContainers (Integration)
- Gatling (Performance)
(metrics, logs, traces, continuous profiling)
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Loki
- Tempo
- Pyroscope
- Postgres-exporter
- React
- W3.CSS
- Babel
- Webpack
- Axios
- Kubernetes
- Skaffold
- Building
cd manifests
skaffold build
- Starting the enviroment
cd manifests
skaffold run
- Runing integration tests
cd test
.\mvnw surefire:test
- Runing performance tests
cd .\performance\gatling\
.\mvnw gatling:test
- Generating the API Documentation
cd .\todo-svc
.\mvnw package
- Home: http://localhost:3000/
- User: test/123
- Grafana: http://localhost:3030/
- User: admin/admin
- Dashboards:
- JVM (Micrometer)
- Logs, Traces, Metrics
- PostgreSQL Database
- Keycloak: http://localhost:8282/admin/
- User: admin/admin
- PosgresSQL: localhost:5432
- Database: todo
- API Docs
- todo-svc\target\generated-docs\api-guide.html