
Multifractal Analysis code and management

Primary LanguagePython


Configurable files

The file resources/sequences.yaml contains the chromosomes info to execute the MFA analysis. It can be modified following the predefined format. The organism name and GCF expressed in that file are the ones to be used in the commands.

Commands examples

Download FASTA sequences

Download and uncompress files

    py .\command.py download -name "caenorhabditis elegans"
    py .\command.py download -name GCF_000002985_4


Analyze and load the organism and genome data.

    py .\command.py analyze_genome -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode regions
    py .\command.py analyze_genome -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode regions
    py .\command.py analyze_genome -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode whole

Analyze only one sequence file (one chromosome) given a file path

    py .\command.py analyze_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode regions
    py .\command.py analyze_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode regions
    py .\command.py analyze_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode whole

It is possible to configure if the results should be saved to the database or not. The default behavior is to always save the data to database.

For the whole genome:

     py .\command.py analyze_genome -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode regions --save-to-db=false
     py .\command.py analyze_genome -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode regions --save-to-db=true

For a single sequence:

     py .\command.py analyze_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode whole --save-to-db=false
     py .\command.py analyze_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode whole --save-to-db=true

Analyze and find kmers recursively

Analyze using MFA and find kmers recursively. This command can be used to execute the whole genome.

py .\command.py find_kmers_genome -method r -name "caenorhabditis elegans"

This command can be used to execute a single chromosome.

py .\command.py find_kmers_sequence -path resources/dna_sequences/Caenorhabditis_elegans/chrI.fna -method r -name "caenorhabditis elegans" 

Saving kmers to database is NOT implemented yet.


Graph and xlsx file

Load and graph the data:

    py .\command.py graph -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode whole
    py .\command.py graph -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -mode regions
    py .\command.py graph -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode regions
    py .\command.py graph -name GCF_000002985_4 -mode whole

Compare results with branch main and changeAlgorithm.

Graph the RepeatMasker results from a RM results file

The graphs are saved in the /out directory in the sequence folder.

Graphing using a result .out file

It is mandatory to specify the

  • path of the RM results file.
  • ran - refseq accession number, to identify the sequence.
  • name - scientific name of the organism that will be used as the folder name to save the graph.

Other possible parameters are:

  • partitions - number of partitions to use in the graph generation. Each partition will represent one point in the graph. 300 by default.

  • regions - amount of regions in which the graph will be divided using vertical line. 3 by default

  • plot_type - style of plot (line or bar), line is by default.

  • save - save the graph in the local directory specified /out (true or false).

     py .\command.py graph_rm_file -path resources/RM_resources/c_elegans_chromosome_I.fasta.out -ran NC_003279.8 -partitions 300 -regions 3 -plot_type line -name "Caenorhabditis elegans" --save true

The command without the optional parameters would be:

   py .\command.py graph_rm_file -path resources/RM_resources/c_elegans_chromosome_I.fasta.out -ran NC_003279.8 -name "Caenorhabditis elegans" 

Graphing using a refseq accession number and the database

It is mandatory to specify the

  • ran - refseq accession number, to identify the sequence.
  • name - scientific name of the organism that will be used as the folder name to save the graph.

Other possible parameters are:

  • partitions - number of partitions to use in the graph generation. Each partition will represent one point in the graph. 300 by default.

  • regions - amount of regions in which the graph will be divided using vertical line. 3 by default

  • plot_type - style of plot (line or bar), line is by default.

  • save - save the graph in the local directory specified /out (true or false).

     py .\command.py graph_rm_database -ran NC_003279.8 -partitions 300 -regions 3 -plot_type line -name "Caenorhabditis elegans" --save true

The command without the optional parameters would be:

   py .\command.py graph_rm_database -ran NC_003279.8 -name "Caenorhabditis elegans" 

Graph the recursively found repeats results from the database

The graphs are saved in the /out directory in the sequence folder.

Graph per sequence/chromosome

The n_max parameter is optional. It represents the total amount of repeats shown in the general graph. The chromosome is identified by the refseq_accession_number (-ran)

py .\command.py graph_recursive -ran NC_003279.8 --save true -name "caenorhabditis elegans" 
py .\command.py graph_recursive -ran NC_003279.8 --save true -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -n_max 10

Graph per gnome

The n_max parameter is optional. It represents the total amount of repeats shown in the general graphs. The genome is identified by the GCF (-gcf).

py .\command.py graph_recursive_genome -gcf GCF_000002985.6 --save true -name "caenorhabditis elegans" 
py .\command.py graph_recursive_genome -gcf GCF_000002985.6 --save true -name "caenorhabditis elegans" -n_max 10

Graphing using a result .out file

Repeats using RepeatMasker

After executing the RepeatMasker program, the results are saved in a .out file. These files can be saved in the following directory resources/RM_resources/<organism_name>

Save RepeatMasker results to database

Save the repeats found by RepeatMasker into the database using the results file path as a parameter.

Example using the command:

py .\command.py load_RM_repeats -path resources/RM_resources/c_elegans_chromosome_I.fasta.out