
When is synth-shell-prompt.root.config used?

ga2k opened this issue · 9 comments

ga2k commented

Hi, great work.

When is synth-shell-prompt.root.config used in place of synth-shell-prompt.config ?

I saw the red prompt once, but in my re-jigging to get things arranged to be synched across multiple computers, only the non-root one is ever used. No amount of logging in as root, 'sudo su'ing or whatever will now activate it.


ga2k commented

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I am doing both of these things. EXCEPT.. Hmmm. I have your script in /var/onedrive/bin (symlinked to /root/bin) and the configs in /var/onedrive/conf (simlinked to /root/.config)

Does it perhaps not like symlinks? When I had it installed directly to /root, I seem to think it worked...

ga2k commented

Yes, .bashrc, .bash_aliases .bash_logout and .profile are all symlinked from the onedrive folder to /root/ and to each user's home folder, the bin folder where the script lives is symlinked, and the .config folder is too.

ga2k commented
ga2k commented

I've removed everything and re-installed it for "all users" and that works so I'm leaving sleeping dogs lie :)