
File storage solution for Remix with Prisma as ORM. Handle multiple file storage providers like Disk or S3

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • Copy body parser implementation from remix-storage-backup and do TDD
  • How to create a Node server post Request with body?
  • Try to use Zod schemas for body fields validations. Start with fields
  • Try file fields
  • Pass in the right way the file in the fixture. Is being read a binary application/optept-stream and it should be read as image/jpeg
  • Try to create a custom z.ZodType // ZodFile.or(z.string()).optiona() it would be nice to be able to chain with the rest of Zod types. PR open for it: colinhacks/zod#1017
  • FIX the mess with file extension
  • To TODO test in line 152: Validate filenames are auto generated with random number if the filename already exist in the destination folder
  • Validate mimetypes and return errors defined by user or default
  • Clean up files if any file has errors or any field has errors.
  • Finish passing existing fields to new way with supertest
  • Validate file MAX size and return errors defined by user or default
  • When having error on first file. Complete result with null data for the other fields
  • Move schemas to each own file and use it on query
  • Ensure required fields are present
  • Throw FileShape on validateFile
  • Validate file MIN size and return errors defined by user or default
  • Handle file input with multiple=true
  • Handle array of fields my_field[] return Array of strings or Enum
  • Make a wrapper around z.file to initialize with FileShape
  • Fix: "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite. typescript (2589)" in Remix example app
  • Fix: "No matching export in "node-modules-polyfills:fs" for import "createWriteStream" in Remix example dev server output
  • Check why type of FileShape is not returning it as an instance. It's a pitty because it's not possible to do file.size and the rest.
  • Handle busboy limits errors
  • Improve internal Zod file. Looks zod maintainer only wants to support browser file validation. So we need a custom ZodFile implementation.


  • [] Publish in npm.io 🎉
  • [] Implement properly an IFile interface
  • Handle Error that is not a FileShape in Abort. Throw it again. Will be done when implementing @remix-storage/drive
  • [] Add to parse a baseData argument. So this way you can pass data that is not expected in the request but is required by the zod validations and necesary to use in the code that comes after parsing

Test the lib with a remix application example

To see in action remix-storage in a Remix app:

// nx dev [example remix app]
// Ex.:
nx dev basic

To create a new Remix app example:

npx nx g @nrwl/remix:app [NAME_OF_YOUR_EXAMPLE]

// Once the app is created edit remix config:
vim .remix.config.js
// Add this:
module.exports = {
  // Rest of existing options
  watchGlobs: ["../../packages/**/src/**/*.ts"]

Run tests

Run test one of the packages

nx test:watch bodyparser


Author of zod explain his motivation for building zod An article linked on the previous link, "parse don't validate" Efficient Busboy stop processing data with p-queue Type of request with AJAX


Interesting read on Node streams and pull-streams