
Infinite scroll implementation in Ruby on Rails and jQuery

Primary LanguageRuby

Infinite Scroll

Infinite scroll implementation in Ruby on Rails and jQuery.


Add a hidden field and the following script in your view.

<%= hidden_field_tag 'page', "0" %>
var taskFired = false;
$( document ).ready(function() {
  $(window).on("touchmove", scrollHandlerMobile);
  $(window).on("scroll", scrollHandler);

Change the loadAjax method with the url from which you are retrieving the data. The url must return a json.

function loadAjax(page) {
	var url = "/get-posts?page="+page;

Finally change the generateHtml method with your implementation. The result must be an array of strings.

function generateHtml(json) {
	var html = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < json.posts.length; i++){
		html += ["<div class='post'>"+json.posts[i]+"</div>"];
	return html;