
Batch read a plist file and get delegate calls when batch size is reached.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


ACBatchReader let's you read a plist in a background process with periodic returns of batch data in the main thread.

Installation and usage

  1. Copy ACBatchReader.h and ACBatchReader.m to your Xcode project.
  2. Create a new instance of ACBatchReader
  3. Implement ACBatchReaderDelegate.
  4. Set the batch size. (batchSize property)
  5. Set the fileName (setFileName:)
  6. Call startReadingWithParser: to start the background read. This method has a block as a parameter. This block receives a dictionary with the element just read from the file. This block needs to return an object or nil, if you don't want to add the current object to the results.


Set up:

self.batchReader = [[ACBatchReader alloc] init];
self.batchReader.debug = YES;
self.batchReader.delegate = self;
self.batchReader.batchSize = 1;
[self.batchReader setFileName:@"dummy-data"];

Start Parsing: If you want to filter some objects you can just return a nil object when you don't want that kind of result in your resulting array.

[self.batchReader startReadingWithParser:^id(NSDictionary *element) {
        ACDummyContainer *dummy = [[ACDummyContainer alloc] init];
        dummy.city = element[@"city"];
        dummy.country = element[@"country"];
        return dummy;
- (void) batchRead:(NSArray *)batch{
    //the size of this batch is the one set in the configuration.
    [self.elementsRead addObjectsFromArray:batch];

- (void) batchFinished{
    NSLog(@"Finished Background Task");

The result will be:






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