

  • Assume the latest platform and use Swift: ✅
  • Use UITableView / UICollectionView to arrange the data. ✅
  • Please refrain from using any dependency manager [cocoapods / carthage / etc], instead, use URLSession ✅
  • Support all Device Orientation ✅
  • Support all Devices screen (iPhone/iPad) ✅
  • Use Storyboards ✅

What to show:

  • Title (at its full length, so take this into account when sizing your cells) ✅
  • Author ✅
  • entry date, following a format like “x hours ago” ✅
  • A thumbnail for those who have a picture. ✅
  • Number of comments ✅
  • Unread status ✅
Small Title Big Title No Thumbnail
Big title Small title Small title


  • I followed the design of iphonedetail.png and iphone.png
  • The architecture choosen for the App is MVVM. I'm using combine for the bindings between views and viewModels.
  • UITableView data source is a UITableViewDiffableDataSource and changes on the dataSource are made with NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot. Super nice Api.
  • Requests to server are made with: URLSession
  • Using Decodable for JSON -> Model
  • Added some tests but it could be tested even more. Tested models, ViewModels and Service. All the ViewModels and Service implement a protocol so it's easy to Mock/Stub them for testing.
  • I used XCTest for testing. In real world app I would have used Quick/Nimble
  • The state of the hidden/read is saved on UserDefaults. In a real world app I would have choosen something different. (SQLite with SQLite.swift or CoreData) but I think this is an overkill for the scenario.
  • I didn't log much but I left os_log ready to be used.
  • The app is localized for Spanish and English. In a real world project I would use something to generate enums (SwiftGen) from the keys to avoid having strings in the code that I do not like. So instead of something like "my_key".localized() I would have myKey.localized.

Sample app running on iPhone XS:

Download sample video App!


Feature Gif
Pull to Refresh
Pagination support
Saving pictures in the picture gallery
Indicator of unread/read post
Dismiss Post Button
Dismiss All Button
App State-preservation/restore
Tap on the thumbnail open full size

Screenshots iPhone/iPad:

Orientation Picture
iPad Landscape
iPad Portrait