
LLama implementations benchmarking framework

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Llama2.c ports/forks benchmarking framwork

lamatune bench demo

Have you ever wanted to benchmark a baby Llama2 models in 12 programming languages? No? Well, now you can!

How to benchmark 2 branches/PRs of llama2.mojo?

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Clone & build hypertune & make it avaialble in your PATH
  3. Edit config.sh
# set workdir that should contain directory `models` with `*.bin` models
export WORKDIR=~/opensource

# optionally set the number of benchmark rounds

# also it's possible to adjust the number of threads
export THREADS=4
  1. Edit bench/compare2.sh change the VERSIONS definition
  1. Run compare2.sh with bash

only bash supported for now, since compare2.sh uses exported bash functions for passing to hypertune

bash bench/compare2.sh

It will generate report in /tmp directory & open it in browser.