
Docker image for Veins Simulator

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker image for Veins Simulator


Veins is an open source framework for running vehicular network simulations.

It is based on two well-established simulators: OMNeT++, an event-based network simulator, and SUMO, a road traffic simulator.

It extends these to offer a comprehensive suite of models for IVC simulation.


Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/andrespp/docker-veins.git

Download OMNeT++

Omnet++ links have direct link protection with captcha verification, making it not possible to directly download the installer.

So, you need to download OMNeT++ manually from this link.

After the download, you repository should look like this

andre@ludwig:~/docker-veins$ ls
Dockerfile  entrypoint.sh  Makefile  omnetpp-5.3-src-linux.tgz  README.md

Build Docker Image

$ make setup


$ make run-bash
$ /entrypoint.sh omnet

Import and Build Veins Project

Import the project into your OMNeT++ IDE workspace by clicking File > Import > General: Existing Projects into Workspace and selecting the directory /root/veins-veins-4.7.1.

Build the newly imported project by choosing Project > Build All in the OMNeT++ 5 IDE.

After the project built, you are ready to run your first IVC evaluations, but to ease debugging, the next step will ensure that SUMO works as it should.

Make sure SUMO is working

root@303866cf2f6c:~/# sumo-gui /root/veins-veins-4.7.1/examples/veins/erlangen.sumo.cfg

Run the Veins demo scenario

To save you the trouble of manually running SUMO prior to every OMNeT++ simulation, the Veins module framework comes with a small python script to do that for you. In the OMNeT++ MinGW command line window, run:

root@303866cf2f6c:~/# /root/veins-veins-4.7.1/sumo-launchd.py -vv -c sumo

In the OMNeT++ 5 IDE, simulate the Veins demo scenario by right-clicking on veins-4.7/examples/veins/omnetpp.ini and choosing Run As > OMNeT++ simulation.

Similar to the last example, this should create and start a launch configuration. You can later re-launch this configuration by clicking the green Run button in the OMNeT++ 5 IDE.


  • Docker
  • X11 with xauth
