
A minimalistic way to run WAVSEP

Primary LanguagePython


A minimalistic way to run WAVSEP


git clone git@github.com:andresriancho/pico-wavsep.git
cd pico-wavsep
docker-compose up

Wait until the containers start and then browse to http://localhost:8098/, the MySQL database is run and configured using docker.

Manually running pico WAVSEP

Lets see what --help is offered by the script:

$ ./start.py --help
usage: start.py [-h] [--mysql-user [USER]] [--mysql-pass [PASS]]
                [--mysql-host [HOST]] [--mysql-port [MYSQL_PORT]]
                [--http-port [HTTP_PORT]] [--ajp13-port [AJP13_PORT]] [--out [OUT]]

Launch and configure WAVSEP. MySQL Server 5.5 will create a database at ./db

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mysql-user [USER]   MySQL Server admin user name (default=root)
  --mysql-pass [PASS]   MySQL Server admin password (defaults to no password)
  --mysql-host [HOST]   MySQL Server host (default=localhost)
  --mysql-port [MYSQL_PORT]
                        MySQL Server port (default=3306)
  --http-port [HTTP_PORT]
                        Wavsep application HTTP port (default=8080)
  --ajp13-port [AJP13_PORT]
                        Wavsep application AJP13 port (default=8009)
  --out [OUT]           File to WAVSEP server stdout to (default=pico-wavsep.log)

Notice that WAVSEP will need MySQL 5.5 to be installed on your system. On my system this was accomplished with sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5.

Let's see what happens if we just launch the script with no arguments, not having previously installed the WAVSEP database.

$ ./start.py 
usage: start.py [-h] [--mysql-user [USER]] [--mysql-pass [PASS]]
                [--mysql-host [HOST]] [--mysql-port [MYSQL_PORT]]
                [--http-port [HTTP_PORT]] [--ajp13-port [AJP13_PORT]] [--out [OUT]]
start.py: error: No "db" directory found. Please provide at least one explicit 
                 --mysql-* argument.

The script detects I've never installed the WAVSEP database before. Let's explicitly provide the MySQL root password, to signal the script that we wish to do this:

$ ./start.py --mysql-pass 'Pa$$w0rd'
WAVSEP server process started with PID 6012.
Server normal messages are being sent to pico-wavsep.log
Server error messages are being sent to pico-wavsep_err.log
Waiting a moment for server to initialize.
WAVSEP setup request completed successfully.

Success! To shut down the server, press CTRL-C.

In the above session, WAVSEP started and installed its database successfully. At that point, start.py also created a special file, wavsep-installed.txt, which is the indicator that future invocations don't need to be provided installation parameters. Hitting Enter shuts the server down. The next time, it is not necessary to provide any arguments.

$ ./start.py 
WAVSEP server process started with PID 6063.
Server normal messages are being sent to pico-wavsep.log
Server error messages are being sent to pico-wavsep_err.log