After having our own html, css setup from Figma UIUX class
We are going to reuse this design to have a "Like/Dislike | Recommend/Not Recommend | Love/Hate" my Movies app
- 🎥 Result
- Usage
- The Movie Database API
- Some Examples
- Not Extras, but required (MUST)
- You already now how to deliever it ;)
🎥 Result
The app will look like this:
- You will display the movie poster as an icon. (
field) - Movie Title (
field) - Free Field (choose wisely the field you wish to display)
- The movie plot/synopsis (
) - Two vote buttons (UP/DOWN) which will increase/decrease the vote_count
- Vote Count which will initialize at
- Feel free to modify the layout to add anything you want. some suggested fields to display:
- vote_average
- runtime
- genres
- homepage
- imdb_id (prob generate an IMDb link)
- popularity
here only one box is shown, obviously you will work with a variable list of movies.
Fill this with your instructions on how to run your app.
This app is deployed in Heroku
You can run this app locally as well by doing the following:
- Clone this repository
- Run the docker-compose file
- For this, Docker must be properly installed.
# example 1
docker-compose up --build
The Movie Database API
We are going to use The Movie Database API 3 TMDd to retrieve our initial data.
You better create your own account and respect the request limits, that I why I'm including some .json
files already.
This is the API's full URL
Some Examples
Discover Movies
The Request URL was<<api_key>>&language=en-US&sort_by=popularity.desc&include_adult=false&include_video=false&page=1
I replaced <<api_key>> with my own API_KEY
Which resulted in discover_movies.json
Movie Details
The Request URL was<<api_key>>
Which gave me joker_movie_details.json
Trending Movies
Request URL was<api_key>>
Which gave me trending_movies.json
Not Extras, but required (MUST)
- Use Flask as backend (for now)
- Use Redis as the counter DB (incr/decr vote_count)
- Use Redis to store any details or additional info for the movies (JSON respond)
- Use Redis as a cache.
- CI/CD (you can use GithubActions (beta) / Gitlab CI /Travis/ Circle CI)
- Dockerfile with a valid docker build & push to a valid Docker Hub repository.
- A good html/css layout of your own.
- Modularize everything with files and functions.
- Use javascript to "Click and show more details of the movie"
- IT WILL NOT RUN under python, but Docker, you must provide under the README's Usage how to run it using Docker commands
You already now how to deliever it ;)
- FORK it
- WORK it
- GIT TAG it