Data pre-processing
- Data collection
- Data cleaning
Data preparation
- Tokenization and tagging (POS, lematization, NER)
- Removing stop words and other unwanted tokens
Applying tm
- Choosing a method and setting parameters
- keep original data (as obtained from source)
- keep as much metadata as possible
- if it doesn't require a lot of work, it might be a better idea to use your own code, as you have more awareness and avoid having a lot of dependencies. In this example, its better to use our own codes than importing https://pypi.org/project/Gutenberg/
- it is always easier to work with plain text, but preserving section breaks can lead to further analysis
- sometimes the same data content is available in different formats. it is a good idea to test extracting two different formats to get an idea which one will be better for the project.
- in our case, getting the data from html format sounds better and easier to (a) preserve the sections boundaries (b) to make cleaning easier
- generate bag of words
- filter on the fly, to be more efficient
- why Gensim
- (small for research on personal computers): "In practice, corpora may be very large, so loading them into memory may be impossible. Gensim intelligently handles such corpora by streaming them one document at a time. See https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/auto_examples/core/run_corpora_and_vector_spaces.html#corpus-streaming-tutorial for details."
- Gensim library makes the calculation of coherence score easier