
LoFiUnconf in St Louis after Strange Loop

Local First Software Unconference

In St Louis after Strange Loop, on Saturday, September 23rd, 2023

A community event for everybody interested in local-first software in St. Louis, MO.

​We particularly want to bring together people who are actively working on local-first projects — be it building frameworks or tools, developing local-first apps, or doing research in the area. But we also welcome people who are simply curious and want to learn more about the topic.

​The event will have an informal unconference style. Instead of a series of long presentations, we will have self-organized discussion groups around your topics of interest.

Registration is currently full. Add your name to the waitlist - we will be doing a final announcement on Friday.


  • Brooklyn Zelenka
  • Martin Kleppmann
  • Peter van Hardenberg

​Thank you to Fission, Ink & Switch, and DXOS for sponsoring the event.


Feel free to to add a mini profile with links to you, your organization, and any projects

Boris Mann

  • Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Co-ops and Collective action.
  • Co-founder at Fission, you can find all our projects on github https://github.com/fission-codes
  • Find me on the social internets https://bmann.ca/
  • Ask me about IPFS, tools for thought, DWeb, event organizing, my food wiki, and post-open source
  • Based in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Wil Chung

  • Tools for thought. Advancing Local-first architecture. Narrow gap between humans and computers.
  • My Github
  • Twitter: @iamwil
  • What are missing tools for local-first? Why local-first now? What are the structural advantages of LoFi?
  • San Jose, CA

Steven Deobald

  • Third-Wave Commercial Open Source. Vipassana. Off-grid. Co-ops.
  • (Ex-)Founder of nilenso, India's first worker-owned tech co-op
  • Founder of the Fortyfourforty Forest Society (a hacker village land co-op)
  • Author of Vipassana for Hackers, meditation for the practically-minded
  • Founder of Endatabas, a hybrid SQL document database with full history
  • @deobald everywhere: GitHub, Mastodon, Twitter, deobald.ca
  • immutable data is (arguably) the yin to local-first's yang
  • Halifax, NS, Canada / Bangalore, KA, India

Sylwia Vargas

  • Let's make Internet more collaborative 🥰
  • CXO at PartyKit
  • Find me on Twitter, GitHub, BlueSky, Mastodon
  • Interested in: realtime, multiplayer, local-first, collaborative tech, but also books, pierogis, and plants
  • London, UK (come visit our beautiful office!)


  • Building experimental personal computing systems.
  • https://briarproject.org
  • paul (at) briarproject.org
  • Mesh Networking, Structured Editing, and Computer Interface Design.

Jess Martin

  • Building DXOS, a platform for building local-first, multiplayer, interoperable apps where users own their own data.
  • https://jessmart.in
  • jess at dxos.org
  • Interested in building tools for building tools.

Moritz Neeb

Lu Wilson

Matt Wynne

Nick (@nichoth)

  • Building E2E encrypted social networking applications
  • Half Light
  • nichoth.com
  • Interested in the intersection of local & encrypted data.

Chris Vermilion

  • Developer at Remix Labs, a visual app development platform
  • verm.me
  • Expressivity vs. Safety / Malleability / Interop / Standards / Community-Building
  • Portland, ME


Predrag Gruevski

Matt Wonlaw

Josiah Witt

  • Building DXOS, a platform for building local-first, multiplayer, interoperable apps where users own their own data.
  • josiahwitt.com
  • @josiah@social.coop
  • cooperation, community, interoperability, malleable software, open source, p2p, gardening
  • Hamilton, ON, Canada

David Schmudde

## Attendee Name
* One liner
* Organization or project affiliation
* Places to follow you on the internet
* Some things you're interested in, keyword style
* A geo-location
* Everything is optional


Links to software. Please link to (open) source code, your attendee profile is the right place for company affiliations

Briar Project


Half Light


  • A developer platform for building local-first, multiplayer, interoperable apps where users own their own data.
  • https://dxos.org
  • React and TypeScript SDK


  • Real-time collaborative editing of local text files.
  • It's in the ideation/planning phase
  • Talk to Moritz Neeb


Vulcan / cr-sqlite

## Some Project
* a one liner of what it does
* a cool source code link
* some keywords and/or associated people


There was, unfortunately, limited time during lunch and we didn't get to see all the demos.

Whether you had a chance to demo or not, you are encouraged to include a link/embed of your project's demo here! Following the example below, you'll note the YouTube video id can be reused to create a thumbnail (assuming your demo is on YouTube, but you can place another image in that location otherwise).

Example: DXOS

Rapid-Fire DXOS Demo

cr-sqlite & vlcn.io

cr-sqlite & vlcn.io sync demo


Links to notes from sessions, or brief inline notes. You might try a HackMD, feel free to PR in a Markdown file in this repo directly, or external links and resources as needed

Local-first for malleable software

  • Themes / Why
    • Local-first naturally suggests more control and ownership over your code, not just your data
    • Local code and data seems more forkable than cloud apps with a hidden-away server
    • We want TLDraw to have plugins and support extension
    • Webhooks for local-first?
  • Goals / Ideas
    • Tinker if I want, or have a prebaked experience if I don't want to tinker
    • interoperate with current world of data silos (2-way sync w/ cloud services?)
    • store code in the data layer
    • What's the modern UNIX pipe? Where are the seams for intervention in GUI software?
  • Challenges
    • edit code safely: undo / version control
    • schema divergence (Cambria suggests some initial directions)
    • how far can you customize while still being able to collaborate?

Local first and Capitalism

  • What does commerically successful local-first software look like?
  • @ConradIrwin
  • notes