HackUPC 2019 landing page
Hi! This is the code of the HackUPC 2019 landing page.
Install the latest version Node.js (at least v12.6.0). Find how here.
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n latest
git clone git@github.com:hackupc/frontend.git
cd frontend
npm install
Use npm run watch
to compile and serve the dist directory in real time. Then view the website at https://localhost:8080
Install linters extensions in your favorite editor. In VS Code install: HTMLHint
, TSLint
, markdownlint
, StandardJS
, stylelint
and npm
. In other editors they may have similar names.
Or use npm run lint
to run linters manually from the console to check errors.
We use linters to ensure code quality, please fix all the errors.
Because of cahe busting you may have to clean the cache when you reload to see changes. In Chrome you can do Ctrl
+ F5
Run this:
npm run watch
View the website at https://localhost:8080
General info
Every file was updated in the 2019 version. So they follow the same style and logic.
Exept the html and .sass
files from the live, so you may want to refactor them to CSS :D .
Deploy to localhost
Use npm run dist
to compile all dist directory.
The files from /src/
will be compiled to /dist/
. Notice that the routes change, so when referencing files check where they are in /dist/.
Use npm run serve
to just serve /dist
at https://localhost:8080.
Run this:
npm run dist
npm run serve
View the website at https://localhost:8080.
Manual Deploy to HackUPC server
- Ask ssh access to server
- Add remote to your local git:
git remote add live ssh://deploy@hackupc.com/home/deploy/repo/w2017.git
- Push new changes to server (only master branch) with:
git push live master
Inspired by this article
HackUPC Server auto-deployment
In order to make development easier, we configured the server do auto-deployment from master. This is done using: crontab
, git
hooks and the npm run dist
- Add
*/15 * * * * cd /home/user/hackupc/frontend/ && git pull origin master > /home/user/hackupc/frontend/changes.log 2> /home/user/hackupc/frontend/install.log
tocrontab -e
vim .git/hooks/post-merge
- Write the following into the file:
cd /home/user/hackupc/frontend/
npm update
echo "cleaning..."
npm run clean
echo "cleaning...done"
echo "compiling..."
npm run dist
echo "compiling...done"
echo "Deploy completed. The game is on!"
chmod +x .git/hooks/post-merge
This makes crontab pull from the repo every 15 minutes. If changes happen, then the post-merge git hook is executed, effectively updating dependencies and compiling a new version of the site.
Edit content
Update legal documents
- Just edit the Markdown files from src/legal
Add new logos
- Checking the company brand use guidelines before editing the image.
- Use .svg over .png.
- The size should be greater than 600 x 300 px. They are scaled down automatically.
- Remove the background if any.
- Name the file in snake_case.
- Place the file in /src/images/logos/.
- If you plan to customize the logo, save the original in /src/images/logos/originals/.
Change theme
TODO: fill this part
Update schedule
TODO: polish this part
Clients will poll constantly the schedule.json file. To update the schedule just change the file and deploy.
New versions of the schedule will be loaded only if 'version' is different.
Schedule file
can be whatever you want, but all ids must be different- When writing hours, prepend zeroes: Nice: 01:00; Not-so-nice: 1:00.
- Events should be ordered by starting hour
should be the same output as executing (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() in a machine with local time. (UTC - localtime in minutes)dates
are DD/MM/YYYY format
If an event doesn't have endHour, then will show only startHour and it will finish at the same time as it starts.
Useful to specify events that don't have concept of length or that span through more than one day ("Event start", "Event end")
Features included
- Optional subscription to events - 5 minutes before notifications
- Schedule live reload
- Fancy schedule with time padding
- Normal tabular schedule
- Countdown
- Full-screen mode by pressing
Some parameters (offsets, timeouts, defaults) can be changed in config.live.js
. Keep in mind that some values are just constants and should not be changed.
Style can be customized in params.scss (note that some parameters should match some variables in config.live.js).
Here you can edit the FAKE_DATE
parameter to test funtionalities.
Tech stack
This are the explanations of why we chose each technology, so you can decide whether keep it or change it.
Write everything in english please, even comments
- More people can understand the code.
- Consistent with most libraries.
- Avoids unwanted styles and messy css.
- Browsers are faster styling by class than by tag.
- HTML & CSS is clearer.
- CSS is clearer.
- Avoid small errors.
Standard JS
- It can reformat your code automatically so you don't lose time.
I know... It's wierd not using semicolons, but js doesn't need them.
Node.js && npm
- Keep all libraries easyly updated (try noy to use it over cdn or downloading them yourself).
- Automate development and deployment.
- It's simple, so we can focus on other important tasks.
- It's cool!
- All CSS goodies in one package!
- Minifyer
- Pollyfills
- Normalize.css
- Autoprefixer
npm packages
Babel - Oficial website Use lattest JavaScript features in all browsers.
Netlify - Oficial website Generate previews of the builds in Pull Requests.
Code Climate
Code Climate - Oficial website Ensure code quality and mantainability.
ImgBot - Oficial website Compress images.
Stale - Oficial website Closes Issues
Travis - Oficial website Runs linterns.
If you need help understanding something of this repo you can ask the previous developers. The ones that made the 2019 edition are:
- Maurici Abad Gutierrez: Slack
MIT © Hackers@UPC