
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Next.js + Shopify + Builder.io starter kit

The ultimate starter for headless Shopify stores.

Demo live at: headless.builders

Goals and Features

  • Ultra high performance
  • SEO optimized
  • Themable
  • Personalizable (internationalization, a/b testing, etc)
  • Builder.io Visual CMS integrated
  • Connect to Shopify data through Builder's high speed data layer

Video walkthrough

Learn how to get started with this Builder + Next.js + Shoipfy starter with this step by step video guide here:

Table of contents

Getting Started


This guide will assume that you have the following software installed:

  • nodejs
  • npm or yarn
  • git

You should already have a Shopify account and store created before starting as well.


This starter kit is everything you need to get your own self hosted Next.js project powered by Builder.io for content and Shopify as an e-commerce back office.

After following this guide you will have

  • A Next.js app, ready to deploy to a hosting provider of your choice
  • Pulling live collection and product information from Shopify
  • Powered by the Builder.io visual CMS

1: Create an account for Builder.io

Before we start, head over to Builder.io and create an account.

2: Your Builder.io private key

Head over to your organization settings page and create a private key, copy the key for the next step.

organizations drop down list

  • Click "Account" from the left hand sidebar
  • Click the edit icon for the "Private keys" row
  • Copy the value of the auto-generated key, or create a new one with a name that's meaningful to you

Example of how to get your private key

3: Clone this repository and initialize a Builder.io space

Next, we'll create a copy of the starter project, and create a new space for it's content to live in.

In the example below, replace <private-key> with the key you copied in the previous step, and change <space-name> to something that's meaningful to you -- don't worry, you can change it later!

git clone https://github.com/BuilderIO/nextjs-shopify.git
cd nextjs-shopify

npm install --global "@builder.io/cli"

builder create --key "<private-key>" --name "<space-name>" --debug

If this was a success you should be greeted with a message that includes a public API key for your newly minted Builder.io space.

Note: This command will also publish some starter builder.io cms content from the ./builder directory to your new space when it's created.

  ____            _   _       _                     _                    _   _ 
| __ )   _   _  (_) | |   __| |   ___   _ __      (_)   ___       ___  | | (_)
|  _ \  | | | | | | | |  / _` |  / _ \ | '__|     | |  / _ \     / __| | | | |
| |_) | | |_| | | | | | | (_| | |  __/ | |     _  | | | (_) |   | (__  | | | |
|____/   \__,_| |_| |_|  \__,_|  \___| |_|    (_) |_|  \___/     \___| |_| |_|

|████████████████████████████████████████| shopify-product | 0/0
|████████████████████████████████████████| product-page: writing generic-template.json | 1/1
|████████████████████████████████████████| shopify-collection | 0/0
|████████████████████████████████████████| collection-page: writing generic-collection.json | 1/1
|████████████████████████████████████████| page: writing homepage.json | 2/2

Your new space "next.js shopify starter" public API Key: 012345abcdef0123456789abcdef0123

Copy the public API key ("012345abcdef0123456789abcdef0123" in the example above) for the next step.

This starter project uses dotenv files to configure environment variables. Open the files .env.development and .env.production in your favorite text editor, and set the value of BUILDER_PUBLIC_KEY to the public key you just copied. You can ignore the other variables for now, we'll set them later.

+ BUILDER_PUBLIC_KEY=012345abcdef0123456789abcdef0123

4. Shopify private app

Create a private app for your Shopify store. If you don't have a Shopify store already, you can create a development store.

Example of how to create find private app section

When creating the private app you'll have to set a number of permissions so that builder can retrieve your Shopify inventory.

Storefront API

  • Grant all permissions

Admin API

  • Enable read access to Products (read_products scope)

You should see something like the image below:

Example of Shopify private app permissions

5. Connecting Builder to Shopify

Access your newly created space by selecting it from the list of spaces in your organization.

You should be greeted by a modal asking for various Shopify API keys, this will allow Builder.io to import your products and register webhooks so that it's updated when your Shopify products and collection change.

Example of where the Shopify API keys map to Builder settings

Fill in the required keys and press "Connect your store"!

6. Configure the project to talk to Shopify

Open up .env.development and .env.production again, but this time set the other two Shopify keys.

+ SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN=c11b4053408085753bd76a45806f80dd
+ SHOPIFY_STORE_DOMAIN=dylanbuilder.myshopify.com

7. Up and Running!

The hard part is over, all you have to do is start up the project now.

npm install
npm run dev

This will start a server at http://localhost:3000.

Go to your new space settings and change the site url to your localhost http://localhost:3000 for site editing.

8. Start building

Now that we have everything setup, start building and publishing pages on builder.io, for a demo on building something similar to the demo homepage, follow the steps in this short video

Deployment Options

You can deploy this code anywhere you like - you can find many deployment options for Next.js here. The following options support one click installs and are super easy to start with:

Deploy with Vercel

Deploy to Netlify