
This is a REST API providing access to a collection of tasks with CRUD access to an individual task within that collection. Here’s the API design:

Action HTTP Verb URL Path Description
Create POST /api/task Defines a unique URL to create a new task
Read GET /api/task Defines a unique URL to read a collection of tasks
Read GET /api/task/taskId Defines a unique URL to read a particular person in the task collection
Update PUT /api/task/{task_id} Defines a unique URL to update an existing task
Delete DELETE /api/orders/{task_id} Defines a unique URL to delete an existing task

This API provides data for an application based on the following mockup: Task App Mockup - Gerdau Challenge

Used Technologies:

  • Python 3.6
    • Flask
    • Connexion
    • SQLAlchemy
    • Marshmallow
  • flask-cors library to set CORS(Cross-origin resource sharing) headers
  • Swagger
  • SQLite 3