Foreign exchange widget

Based on react boilerplate.

npm start # starts dev server with hot reloading
npm run build # build project in production mode
npm run build:analyze # build project in production mode and starts webpack bundle analyzer
npm test # runs checks like linters, unit tests, etc


Widget is relatively simple, so view is not decomposed to multiple atomic components.

currencylayer API provides an ability to set base currency only in paid version of API, so cross-currency exchange rates are automatically derived from base currency rates.

There is no fancy UI because I didn't have much time, and ugly but working product is better than beautiful but useless product.

Currencies are hardcoded, normally they should be loaded from server.

Potential improvements

  • Prettify UI
  • Add unit tests for sagas and reducers
  • Add end-to-end tests
  • Allow user to edit target currency amount
  • Add currency aliases ($, ₽, etc)