
Primary LanguageC++

The purpose of this project is to learn game programming by making a small 2D game.

The libraries needed to run this project are:
Vulkan SDK

To install Vulkan, run the sdk and make sure these environment variables are set: Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR, Vulkan_LIBRARY, and VULKAN_SDK.
The first points to the include directory, ex: C:\VulkanSDK\\Include
The second and third point to the directory of the sdk, ex: C:\VulkanSDK\

To install the rest of the libraries, first you need to set your environment variable. Create a new environment variable called CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and set it to be the location where your libraries will be stored. For example, I have mine as C:\LIBRARIES

To install DiligentCore, download the latest release and put it into a folder in your libraries path called DiligentCore.

To install Boxer, clone the library to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/Boxer.

To install GLFW, download the precompiled binaries for your platform. Then, Put the include and docs directories inside CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/GLFW. Then create a new directory called lib and put inside there the library files for your platform. For example, in the windows precompiled binaries I took the three files for mingw-64 and put them in the lib folder.

To install EnTT download the library to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/EnTT.

To install GLM, download the library to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/glm.

To install YAML, download the library to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/yaml.

After this, reload your clion and then let the cmake compile and it should work.