
GoUbi is a Go client library for accessing the Ubiquity Hosting V2 API.


You can view the client API documentation at http://godoc.org/github.com/ubiquityhosting/GoUbi

You can view Ubiquity Hosting API documentation at http://api.ubiquityhosting.com/


First, import the Ubiquity Hosting API package into your project:

import "github.com/ubiquityhosting/GoUbi"

Now, you are ready to create a new Ubiquity Hosting client instance:

client := goubi.NewUbiClient(
	12345,									// your client ID 
	"ubic-12345", 							// your API user name
	"550d0457f1824ca0c127da6fdb8499a0"		// your API token

Once the client instance is created, it can then be used to access different services of the Ubiquity Hosting API.

Functional Example

The following functional example shows how to get detailed information for images, flavors, and zones in order to create a new Ubiquity Hosting instance:

client := goubi.NewUbiClient(
	12345,									// your client ID
	"ubic-12345", 							// your API user name
	"550d0457f1824ca0c127da6fdb8499a0"		// your API token

images, _ := client.Cloud.ListImages()

for _, image := range images {
	fmt.Printf("\tName: %-35s ID: %d\n", image.Name, image.Id)

flavors, _ := client.Cloud.ListFlavors()

for _, flavor := range flavors {
	fmt.Printf("\tName: %-50s ID: %d\n", flavor.Name, flavor.Id)

zones, _ := client.Cloud.ListZones()

for _, zone := range zones {
	fmt.Printf("\tName: %s, ID: %d\n", zone.Name, zone.Id)

new_cloud := new(goubi.CreateVMParams)

new_cloud.Hostname = "My-Ubi-Instance"
new_cloud.ImageID = 18
new_cloud.FlavorID = 1
new_cloud.ZoneID = 7

fmt.Print("\nNow ordering a new Ubiquity Hosting instance...")
order_details, err := client.Cloud.Create(new_cloud)

if err != nil {
	panic(fmt.Sprintf("\nError: %s", err))

fmt.Printf("completed. Your cloud order ID is %d.\n\n", order_details.OrderID)


Each version of the client is tagged and the version is updated accordingly.

Since Go does not have a built-in versioning, a package management tool is recommended - a good one that works with git tags is gopkg.in.

To see the list of past versions, run git tag.


By Justin Canington and Andrew Ayers for Ubiquity Hosting.