Todo App with NestJS

Not another todo app?! Yes, I purposely built a simple frontend app so I could focus on creating a NestJS/Express based backend using many best practices and techniques.

It leverages the power of TypeScript to build a performant server with data validation, gaurded API endpoints, and security best practices including password salting/hashing. It also utilizes unit testing and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), allowing the backend to be extremely reliable and refactorable.

It was deployed on AWS S3/Elastic Beanstalk which you can checkout here.


Home Page:

Testing the server locally

Go go the Config folder and change the development.yml file and add your local database information


  host: 'localhost'
  username: 'postgres'
  password: 'postgres'

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod