
KanBan board for GitHub issues

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Community Board

GitHub issues KanBan board

Before Running

Create a ./user.json file in the root of the application. Within this JSON file should be your client ID and client secret from your GitHub developer application. Without these, there is a stiff limit on the number of API requests that can be made in a given period of time.

An example user.json can be seen below:

  "clientId": "my-client-id",
  "clientSecret": "my-client-secret"

Running for Production

npm install
NODE_ENV=production npm start # http://localhost:8091

Running for Development

When running in development, the server and client components will be hot-reloadable. Any changes made to the application should not require a restart of the server and should push to the client browser.

npm install
npm start # http://localhost:8091