
This is a place where you store ideas, resources, or even share and discuss things with others.

Hello World!

Andrew here, I enjoy tinkering around with Android Studio and writing up some fun scripts in Python. I'm a nightowl that has a dark themed background and love customizing my IDE settings and/or including plugins (lol!) Great colors and fonts can make things much greater for productivity. Great documentation stands out and is very noticeable so would love to get better.

Programmer that wants to build awesome projects and maybe get to improve my own code flows, and collaborate with some very beautiful, cool, and awesome people.

P.S. I wish to one day 'git' good :-)

P.S.S. Question: "What makes code bad?" Answer: No comment.

Yours truly,



I want to make a project that involves Firebase and Google Maps API. First you would authenticate yourself (register and signup) I had an idea in mind for collecting nearby restaurants let's say within 10 miles (this may be dynamic in a later version?) that will first show your location on Google Maps View or Fragment. But I need to know where the best place to store my google_maps_API_KEY as you can not use the same one as me. Then we want to view the nearby restaurants in some kind of pretty recycler view maybe and then we can navigate to the restaurant location. Later feature would involve a chatroom that can display real time of people on the map. Also am interest in making a game as I have some that I released but are not well managed in a github repository so may upload.


I have old projects that may need to be refactored and re-worked on once I can get a better understanding of android-studio and lovely Firebase.