
A CFML Language for the Atom Editor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CFML Grammar for Atom

This project is based on an auto-generated conversion of the official CFML TextMate Bundle, and is under active development.

Pull requests welcome.


Build Status

  1. Command line: Run apm test from the package directory.
  2. Atom:
    • Open the package in Atom.
    • Choose Run Package Specs from View -> Developer, the Command Pallete, or the keyboard shortcut.

Contributing to Tests (a rough guide)

  1. Create an it('test description', function() {}); that describes the scenario.
  2. Tokenize the line, e.g. var tokens = grammar.tokenizeLines('<cfcomponent name="Test Component">');
  3. Make assertions about what classes the line should have. (I usually console.log(tokens); to see what is coming and add new selectors where I think they should be.)
  4. Submit a pull request with your new test(s). You don't even have to fix the bug (though it would be awesome if you can)!