
Betting dApp on Ethereum simulating a coin flip

Primary LanguageSolidity


Coinflip Betting dApp

Project Coinflip utilizes Ethereum smart contracts and a front-end built in React which culminates into a betting dApp. Part of the complexity herein lies in the random number problem in blockchain. This dApp fetches a random number by sending a call to the Provable (formerly Oraclize) oracle and waiting for a callback which holds the "random number"--randomized by Provable--that can also be confirmed by the network.


  1. git clone this repo to your local environment.
  2. cd project-coinflip-v-6 into your project directory.
  3. npm the required dependencies.
  4. Confgure the truffle-config.js file to Ganache or another Ethereum node.
  5. Initialize node.
  6. In the command line, run truffle migrate.
  7. Run npm run start to get the front end running.
  8. Fetch the coinflip contract address from the build abi and replace the existing address inside of ../src/components/Main
  9. Make bets and flip some coins!