
Monitoring java app via Grafana and Prometheus

Primary LanguageJava

Java app monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana demo


We've got SpringBoot java application. Task is to collect some metrics via Prometheus and view them via Grafana.

Pre-requirements for Java App

  • Dependencies
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
implementation 'io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus'
  • Application.yml
        include: health,info,prometheus

Demo scenario

  • create application and build .jar file
./gradlew bootJar
  • create image (./Dockerfile)
docker build -t app .
  • remove image if needed
docker image rm -f app
  • start docker-compose on background (./docker-compose/docker-compose.yml)
docker-compose up -d
  • check out metrics that send to Prometheus
  • check out Prometheus monitoring entities (should be at UP state for java-app)
  • connect to Grafana (login: "admin"; password: "pass") There is one dashboard (that one was from config: docker-compose/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/JavaAppDashboard.json)
  • emulate load
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8765/server?delayMs=1&creatingTimeMs=10000&threadCount=6&forgetToClearObjects=false' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

That request makes app to create objects and store them in list. Returns some info.

request params:

  • delayMs - Thread.sleep(delayMs);
  • creatingTimeMs - time during which objects created;
  • threadCount - threads number which created for work;
  • forgetToClearObjects - if true (or null) list of objects won't be cleared after work done.

p.s. Same request could be sent with Postman ofc.

  • clear docker
docker-compose down