
RoR Project Management Resume App

Primary LanguageHTML

Project-Resume App

  • Personal Website Management App.
  • Formerly, a Prototype of My Personal Website
  • Intentionally, to showcase a User's Resume Online.
  • Allows User to manage & display various Projects towards a broad audience.
  • User able to upload image file relating to Project & related links.


Behance Screenshots

Tools Used:

  • Ruby (v2.2.2)
  • Rails (v4.2.6)
  • Heroku ready - pg & rails_12factor gems
  • Bootstrap v3.1.1 - CSS template.
  • Fontawesome - Awesome icon toolkit.
  • Home page with navigation bar

Also includes the following gems:

  • Simpleform - A Rails gem that makes the code for our forms simpler.
  • BetterErrors - A Rails gem that gives more information on the errors we see in our app
  • Quiet Assets - Reduces the log output
