Embed Git metadata in a C/C++ compatible static library using CMake (e.g. commit ID, author, date, and message).
- 2
won't work with llvm-ar
#50 opened by ebenali - 2
Documentation: does the non-recompilation depend on the variables being inserted in a C file?
#48 opened by jaskij - 1
- 3
sudo make install doesn't work with this script
#41 opened by shabiel - 2
Documentation improvement
#44 opened by valiko-ua - 1
A \ in a commit message will break it
#35 opened by andrew-hardin - 3
- 0
Travis CI jobs not running
#31 opened by andrew-hardin - 3
Git info not properly set
#26 opened by district10 - 3
Need manually `GitStateChangedAction()` right after including git_watcher if your lib are compiled by globbing sources
#25 opened by district10 - 0
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- 0
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