
Sample api application using https://restcountries.eu and https://fixer.io

Primary LanguageRuby


Sample API Application

Api that agregates data from restcountries.eu and fixer.io API to help select potential new country markets by looking at population density and strong currency. Combine country data available from https://restcountries.eu/ with currency conversion rates from http://fixer.io/

Ruby version

ruby '2.4.0'

Installation (Set up Rails application)

Follow these easy steps to install and start the app:

Fetch Gems

First, install the gems required by the application:




with username and password for you Postgresql database.

Next, execute the database migrations/schema setup:

bundle exec rake db:setup

Next, from the root of you the application, update cron jobs with:

`whenever --update-crontab `

Start the server

rails server

Pointing your browser


You can find endpoint documentation by pointing your browser to
