- 3
Parameter AssignedComputerName dosn#t work
#22 opened by jdrepo - 3
Error when using identifier option
#21 opened by Thuurke - 13
Module suddenly stop working
#20 opened by Nikolara97 - 12
Problem with preprov
#14 opened by Oneill701 - 2
Not an issue!
#17 opened by TWKDreamState - 9
Function Get-AutopilotDevice() throwing error: Invoke-MgGraphRequest: The pipeline has been stopped.
#6 opened by Sn00zEZA - 3
Get-AutopilotDevice - Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.Helpers.HttpResponseException: Response status code does not indicate success: Forbidden (Forbidden).
#18 opened by SkrrtNick - 15
Invoke-MGGraphRequest 400 Bad Request
#11 opened by jimmywinberg - 2
- 2
- 2
getalldevicesandusers' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script, file or operable program
#8 opened by vacuumboots - 1
asking to call connect-mggraph
#7 opened by thiagobeier - 3
online option with grouptag for existing windows autopilot devices doesn't update GroupTag
#4 opened by thiagobeier - 1
Not requesting enough permissions
#3 opened by BenHagueNZ - 3
- 1