# SphinxRT (Real Time Indexes) for CodeIgniter 2+

This library allows you to communicate with Sphinx via it's SphinxQL (SQL-esque) method of inserting, updating, deleting and searching. This library only works with with Real Time indexes but you technically could use it to search a normal Sphinx Index. This library makes use of the SphinxQL language over the SpinxAPI (this method has been proven that in-scale, the SphinxQL system works more efficiently and can handle more requests per second).

## Currently Supported

There are several elements currently supported but to this is only to a basic level, more error-proofing and complex queries need to be added.

## Requirements

- PHP 5.2+
- MySQLi Driver (Improved)


- Ability to Weight Columns
- Truncate/Clear whole index
- Search Across multiple indexes at once
- Ability to "group by"
- Ability to change ranking algorithm
- Pull back server statistics
- Delete items

## Usage Example

Example of using insert:
	$this->sphinxrt->insert('example', array('a_id' => 5,
    										 'name' => 'Example'));
Example of using search:
	$result = $this->sphinxrt->search('example', array('search' 	=> 'my query',
													   'limit' 		=> 100,
													   'start'		=> 0,
													   'where' 		=> array('is_active,=' => 1)));
Example of using update:
	$this->sphinxrt->update('example', array('a_id' => 5,
    										 'name' => 'Example'));
## Notes

- You CAN'T use a column called "id", it's just not allowed
- Queries can't end with a ";" as it's not allowed - this isn't a database