
A FinOps community-driven framework for building best practices, sharing stories, and strengthening the discipline.

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Shield: CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0

FinOps.org / FinOps Framework

This repo contains the code and content that builds the finops.org and FinOps Framework websites.

##About contributions Content and sections about the FinOps Foundation are maintained by the team and related members of the Linux Foundation.

FinOps Framework content, including concepts, principles, best practices, and other related content are open source and contributions are warmly welcomed. Contributions should be focused on editing, updating, and maintaining content, definitions, and usability of this website. Actual building, testing, and production of this property are done by the FinOps Foundation team.

How to contribute

Contributing to finops.org and the FinOps Framework can include:

  • Creating issues to identify problems or errors with the finops.org or the FinOps Framework
  • Edits to FinOps Framework content, definitions, images, etc.
  • Edits to playbooks, reports
  • Recommending typo fixes
  • Reporting broken links or link updates
  • and other content-related fixes

If you want to contribute changes or commits to the State of FinOps report, see this repo.

If you want to design materials and slide templates for a FinOps Meetup, see this repo.

Formatting issues

If submitting an issue, please use the issue title to identify what is not working as intended.

e.g. "Broken link on Cost Allocation page" or "Fix typo on Forecasting page"

Use the body of the issue to add additional context, link relevant information about the issue, or upload images to convey context.

e.g. "There's a broken URL in this sentence... The URL should be ", or "Please fix the spelling of the word budget on paragraph three..."

If you don't know how to resolve the issue, that's okay. Reporting it is a very helpful first step.

Please do not assign issues or apply metadata. The FinOps Foundation team will do these for you.

Formatting commits

If you're familiar with GitHub and want to commit your own content changes, please feel free to do so using the GitHub GUI.

Using a Google Doc

If you're reading this and don't want to use GitHub to submit a change, please feel free to write out an amendment or edit and inform the FinOps Foundation team on our Community Slack channel, or at *** EMAIL ***.

Review process

Changes to each respective section of this site will be reviewed during FinOps Foundation team meetings, or meetings with the Technical Advisory Council. During these council meetings, commits and Pull Requests will be reviewed and voted upon to be merged.

The FinOps Foundation team uses automation tools to rebuild the site multiple times a week to capture the latest changes or to make small updates to maintain the site.

Review cycles and timing

The FinOps Foundation's core operating members maintain the organization as a business. Its technical components, however, must be reviewed and voted upon by a greater group of community members. These meetings are scheduled throughout the month and the timeliness of reviewing commits and changes will vary depending on when these meetings occur.

Issues and small changes like link fixes and typos might occur immediately, as those don't require a significant amount of code review, voting, and/or approval.


Shield: CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0