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The Jawfish url shortener allows a user to input a url and receive a new shorter link to the same web address.

Url Shortener

A url shortener allows a user to input a url and receive a new shorter link to the same web address.


  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Languages: Python v3.4.3, JavaScript (ES7), JSON, HTML, CSS
  • Frameworks & libraries: Flask v1.0.2, requests v2.19.1
  • Front-end Libraries: Bootstrap v4.1.3 (without JS)
  • Fonts: Font-Awesome v4.7.0

Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/Donnerschlag/Jawfish-Url-Shortener.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Business / Operations Team

Frontend Team

Backend Team