
A CLI to co-host websites published to IPFS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ipfs-cohost 🌐✨🤝

A CLI to co-host websites published to IPFS.

If your domain has a DNSlink to a CID, then ipfs-cohost will let others pin it to their IPFS node.


Pass it the list of domains you want to cohost. It finds the CID from the DNSLink for that domain and starts cohosting the domains. By default, we use a full cohosting. You can force the domains to be lazily cohosted by using the flag --lazy.

$ ipfs-cohost add ipfs.io docs.ipfs.io awesome.ipfs.io
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
📍 docs.ipfs.io    QmNrbogjGZWgUSrbmHXydwc5b51oJQsBfHA2RkNRVf2ikc 6.86 MB
📍 awesome.ipfs.io QmPHrA6RT2j7bEcBrdeV2z6ZWrchDguw9wBchHPr6VZcFS 7.6 MB
📍 ipfs.io         QmYb3dbymigAPcaiQUgnPxbwgMKjvxVBrrxSvFHwbZLVkq 10 MB
📦 Total size 24.5 MB for 3 domains
🤝 Co-hosting 3 domains via IPFS.

Passing the --silent options will prevent any logging.

$ ipfs-cohost add ipfs.io --silent

Remove cohosted website

You can remove one or more websites at once:

$ ipfs-cohost rm ipfs.io docs.ipfs.io awesome.ipfs.io
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
✔  ipfs.io no longer cohosted.
✔  docs.ipfs.io no longer cohosted.
✔  awesome.ipfs.io no longer cohosted.

You can also remove every website you have cohosted:

$ ipfs-cohost rm --all
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
✔ All cohosted websites removed.

List cohosted websites and snapshots

Use ls with no arguments to list the cohosted domains:

$ ipfs-cohost ls
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
📍 Lazily cohosted domains:
📍 Fully cohosted domains:

Use ls with domains as arguments to list the snapshots for each domain:

$ ipfs-cohost awesome.ipfs.io
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
⏱ Full snapshots for ipfs.io:

Sync the current domains

Check if you have the most up to date version of each website and updates the snapshots.

$ ipfs-cohost sync
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
✔  Snapshots synced!


Delete all snapshots but the last n. If n is not provided, all snapshots but the last one will be deleted.

$ ipfs-cohost prune [n]
🔌 Using local ipfs daemon via http api
✔  Cohosted websites cleaned!

Only add latest copies

In some situations, you might want to be able to provide a strict list of domains you want to have one and only snapshot per domain. You can use ipfs-cohost latest <domain>... as a short hand for ipfs-cohost rm --all && ipfs-cohost add <domain>.... All flags apply.

Could you do these with a few lines of bash?

Yes. All of this commands can be reproducible via bash commands. Please take a look at the cohosting SPEC to know which ipfs commands are equivalent to these ones.


With node >= 10.15 and npm > 6.9 installed , you can install ipfs-cohost via npm

# install it
$ npm i -g ipfs-cohost

# run it
$ ipfs-cohost add docs.ipfs.io blog.ipfs.io ipfs.io

You can run the latest version of ipfs-cohost without explicitly installing it via npx

$ npx ipfs-cohost add docs.ipfs.io blog.ipfs.io ipfs.io