
[UNMAINTAINED] Plugin for AR.Drone webflight that overlays trollfaces on detected faces

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a plugin for the browser-based AR.Drone ground control station webflight that overlays trollfaces on detected faces using opencv.

Extracted from a fork of ardrone-webflight created at Nodecopter Berlin: https://github.com/bluemaex/ardrone-webflight

Preview Image

Running the software

You will need the ardrone-webflight and webflight-trollface repos:

git clone git://github.com/eschnou/ardrone-webflight.git
git clone git://github.com/andrew/webflight-trollface.git

Run npm install for each:

(cd ardrone-webflight && npm install)
(cd webflight-trollface && npm install)

Link webflight-trollface into webflight's plugins directory:

(cd ardrone-webflight/plugins && ln -s ../../webflight-trollface trollface)

Copy ardrone-webflight's config.js.example to config.js:

(cd ardrone-webflight && cp config.js.example config.js)

Add "trollface" to the plugins array in config.js and remove or comment out "video-png" and "video-stream", so it looks something like this:

var config = {
    plugins: [
      "hud"         // Display the artificial horizon, altimeter, compass, etc.
      , "pilot"       // Pilot the drone with the keyboard
      , "trollface"   // Detect faces and add trolls to them

module.exports = config;

Start the server

Now you can start the webflight server:

(cd ardrone-webflight && node app.js)

Plugin your gamepad, point your browser at http://localhost:3000/ and then press a button on your gamepad to activate the plugin.