
A Dashing dashboard to display useful information.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bedside Dashboard

A simple dashboard that I currently use on a tablet at my bedside.

Bedside Dashboard


  1. Install the dashing ruby gem gem install dashing
  2. Run bundle install


  1. In jobs/google_calendar_school.rb, set the ical_url to point to the address of an calendar.
  2. In jobs/google_calendar_personal.rb, set the ical_url to point to the address of an calendar.
  3. In jobs/gmail.rb, set the username to your email address and password to the respective password for that email address. I STRONGLY recommend creating an application specific password for this in case you leak the password somehow.
  4. In jobs/verbinski.rb set the forecast_location_lat to your current latitude and forecast_location_long to your current longitude. Go to http://developer.forecast.io and signup as a developer so you can get an api key.

Run it

Execute dashing start