
A Networking Platform with a focus on developing strong, long-lived relationships.

Primary LanguageGo

Hive (tentative)

A mentorship platform


Basic project structure

letstalk/ This is the react native app. Code for iOS and Android clients lives here.

server/ This is the main messenger service. All backend code lives here.

infra/ Scripts to help with administration of servers


Install the following packages.


How to see the dev database

Starting the server spins up its own mysql instance inside a docker container. If you see an error at startup, make sure to kill any already running instances of mysql.

mysql -h -P 3306 -u letstalk letstalk -puwletstalk

First time database setup

After starting the server (see below):

mysql -h -P 3306 -u letstalk -puwletstalk
msql > CREATE DATABASE letstalk DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;


Start new docker vm

docker-machine start default

Setup shell environment for docker

Run this in each shell you want to use docker commands from.

eval $(docker-machine env)

Setup port forwarding to your docker container

VBoxManage modifyvm "default" --natpf1 "hive,tcp,,8000,,80"

Restart machine with updated options.

docker-machine restart


Things should be good to go


See server/ for server specific installation instruction. See letstalk/ for client installation instructions.


Build a docker container and launch the container. Note this will rebuild the server on each file change.


NOTE: because of a bug you might have to run dep ensure ON YOUR LOCAL MACHINE since in development mode, the downloaded dependencies will get clobbered.

If you are working with frontend code, you also need to start a separate process to build the javascript assets so they can be served. You can do this by going to server/web and running:

yarn dev


Build and startup server on ec2

Run the following command on ec2 server.


Dockerfile Architecture

There are 2 docker files: one base which contains the build environment needed to build the application and one to build a the actual application image.

  • Dockerfile.env: All dependencies needed to build the application
  • Dockerfile: Default used to build image