
Backend api of TM D67 website.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Backend api of TM D67 website. Currently based on Django REST framework and Strawberry GraphQL Django



(Recommends) Vscode with plugin Dev Containers

Run pruduction server

Download data.json from tmd67-data repo and put it in this folder and run:

docker-compose up -d

Then you can see the api docs via http://localhost.

GraphQL api can be viewed at http://localhost/graphql.


Thanks for the contributing! Please fork this repo to your personal repositories and contribute with pull requests.

Set up your dev environment

If you are using Vscode and have Dev Containers installed, follow the instruction of the pop-up notification and you will create a container with test environment.

If you prefer use manual env, run:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Set up your database

By default, Dev Containers will provide a Postgres DB on localhost for testing. See here for more details such as username.

For data migration, download data.json from tmd67-data repo and put it in this folder and run:

make migrate

Run the test server

make run