
A toy project to learn Go: super-simple tic-tac-toe game.


  • accepts an unfinished game and returns the next move
  • has different difficulty levels
  • prints the game board


  • Game [9]int - defaults to all -1. Represents the current state of the game by tracking all moves that have been played. Turns are played in order, so all even indicies represent moves by X and all odd indicies represent moves by O. The int represents the cell they made their move in:
0 | 1 | 2
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8
  • Board [9] int - Represents the board, where the items are the index of the turns that have been played (terrible definition, to be improved).

  • Line struct{ indicies [3]int, moves [3]int } - represents an individual line in a game: could be a row, column, or diagonal.


  • print boards of varying layouts
  • check games for a winner
  • play a random move
  • identify "win in one" layouts
  • play a strategic move
  • deploy to vercel
  • build a basic UI