
A mobile-friendly fitness logger (flog!) with AngularJS client and NancyFX server components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Done Stuff

  • Basic routing
  • Formy-stuff - data validation, submission etc
  • Modularization and scope isolation via favouring angular directives over controllers for the most part
  • Inter-directive communication via directive scope
  • Demonstration of encapsulated data services via angular factories
  • Usage of $q to return promises from data services and make them nice to work with
  • Stubbed authorization via $routeChangeStart registration and route data
  • Some funky directive work such as autofocus and showerrors

Not Done Stuff

  • Real auth implemented with Jwt's issued via a federated service
  • Real storage (not just a file system stub)
  • A bunch of features
  • A bunch of 'stricter' behaviours in data typing in submissions (not everything is a string y'know!) etc
  • Figuring out how to get animations to actually work in Angular 1.3 (tried and failed)
  • Testing! It is all feeling a little fragile at the moment due to the lack of static typing or tests to make up for the lack thereof


There is a React version of the application nestled within the /React route - created for fun and profit :) I gave a short presentation on the tconversion process, the slides for which can be found at https://speakerdeck.com/andrewabest/seven-year-itch