Nessie Python SDK

This package allows a developer to easily interact with the Capital One Hackathon API, named Nessie.


Getting Started

Install nessie with pip

** this package is not yet published, so at the time of writing, the pip install will not work. **

	pip install nessie 					# you may need to `sudo pip install nessie` depending on your env 


Using this SDK is as simple as passing any API endpoint listed on the Nessie documentation to the NessieClient.api_call() method, as well as what kind of method it is is (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE)

The parser validates each component of the endpoint separately, and at the time of writing, all endpoints listed at the documentation website were fully functional.

Response structure is always of the form:

    'status_code': Integer of HTTP Status Code,
    'response': String of HTTP Status Reason/Response,
    'requests_response': Raw <Requests.Response> object from the requests library,
    'content': Dict containing the response from Nessie

Example code

import nessie

client = nessie.NessieClient('my_api_key_here', 'customer' | 'enterprise')
# Get all accounts
accounts = client.api_call('accounts', 'GET')

# Get all accounts from a specific account ID
account_id = '56c66be7a73e492741508106'
account_from_id = client.api_call('accounts/{}'.format(account_id), 'GET')
>>> account_from_id
{'content': {u'rewards': 20674, u'customer_id': u'56c66be6a73e4927415074cb', u'type': u'Credit Card', u'_id': u'56c66be7a73e492741508106', u'balance': 38659, u'nickname': u"Harvie's Account"}, 'status_code': 200, 'response': 'OK', 'requests_response': <Response [200]>}

# if you don't like the .format() syntax, you can also just do
account_from_id = client.api_call('accounts/56c66be7a73e492741508106', 'GET')
>>> account_from_id
{'content': {u'rewards': 20674, u'customer_id': u'56c66be6a73e4927415074cb', u'type': u'Credit Card', u'_id': u'56c66be7a73e492741508106', u'balance': 38659, u'nickname': u"Harvie's Account"}, 'status_code': 200, 'response': 'OK', 'requests_response': <Response [200]>}

# POST data is handled as well. For example - to create an account
my_data = {
  'type': 'Credit Card',
  'nickname': 'My New Capital One Card!',
  'rewards': 42,
  'balance': 9001
customer_id = '56c66be6a73e4927415074ca'
create_account = client.api_call('customers/{}/accounts'.format(customer_id), 'POST', my_data)
>>> create_account
{'content': {u'message': u'Account created', u'code': 201, u'objectCreated': {u'rewards': 42, u'nickname': u'My New Capital One Card!', u'_id': u'57a79050bc727e4b519f2562', u'balance': 9001, u'customer_id': u'56c66be6a73e4927415074ca', u'type': u'Credit Card'}}, 'status_code': 201, 'response': 'Created', 'requests_response': <Response [201]>}