
The Censys Unified Cloud Connector is a standalone connector that gathers assets from various cloud providers and stores them in Censys ASM. This Connector offers users the ability to supercharge our ASM Platform with total cloud visibility.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Censys Unified Cloud Connector

The Censys Unified Cloud Connector is a standalone connector that gathers assets from various cloud providers and stores them in Censys ASM. This Connector offers users the ability to supercharge our ASM Platform with total cloud visibility. This connector currently supports the following cloud providers: Azure and GCP. Support for AWS and other cloud providers will be added in the future.

Supported Platforms and Services

The following platforms and services are supported and will be used to import Seeds (IP Addresses, Domain Names, CIDRs, and ASNs) as well as Cloud Assets (Object Storage Buckets) into the Censys ASM platform.

Google Cloud Platform

Amazon Web Services

Azure Cloud

Getting Started

It is important to note that this connector is a Python package. This allows you to run the connector from the command line as well as enables you to run the connector in as many different environments as you wish. We have provided a variety of deployment types and configuration options. We recommend that you install the package locally to take advantage of the configuration command line interface (censys-cc config). After you have configured the connector, you can deploy it to your environment. In the following sections, we will provide a brief overview of how to deploy the connector to your environment.

Deployment Methods

Local Installation



# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/censys/censys-cloud-connector.git
cd censys-cloud-connector

# Ensure you have poetry installed
pip install --upgrade poetry

# Recommended installation
poetry install -E azure -E gcp  # All dependencies (This is recommended)

# Other installations
# poetry install -E azure  # Only Azure dependencies
# poetry install -E gcp  # Only GCP dependencies

# Copy .env file
cp .env.sample .env

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are available for use in the connector:

  • CENSYS_API_KEY - Your Censys ASM API key found in the ASM Integrations Page. (Required)
  • PROVIDERS_CONFIG_FILE - The path to the providers.yml file.
  • SECRETS_DIR - The path to the directory containing the secrets.
  • LOGGING_LEVEL - The logging level. Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and CRITICAL.
  • DRY_RUN - If set to true, the connector will not write any data to the ASM platform. This is useful for testing.

.env.sample is a sample file that contains the above environment variables. Please use this file as a template to create your own .env file.


To configure the connector, you can use the command line interface. The base command is censys-cc. The configuration command is:

poetry run censys-cc config  # Configure supported providers

The censys-cc config command will guide you through the configuration of supported cloud providers. This command will assist you in generating a providers.yml file. This file can contain multiple provider configurations. You can optionally specify a provider in the command line with the flag --provider.

Before configuring the connector, make sure you are logged in to your cloud provider's CLI tool. See our supported providers below for more information.

You have successfully configured your cloud connector if your providers.yml file is populated with your credentials.

Supported Providers

Log in to your cloud provider's CLI tool using the following commands:


The providers.yml file contains the configuration for all cloud providers. The file is a YAML file and is structured as follows:

You will need to have generated your providers.yml file using the censys-cc config command before you can run the connector.

- provider: aws
  account_number: xxxxxxxxxxxx
  access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    - xxxxxxxxx
  # The ignore field takes a list of Azure resource types to ignore during scanning.
  # ignore:
  #   - AWS::ApiGateway
  #   - AWS::ECS
  #   - AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing
  #   - AWS::NetworkInterface
  #   - AWS::RDS
  #   - AWS::Route53
  #   - AWS::S3
  # It is also possible to define roles to assume for multiple accounts.
  # accounts:
  # - account_number: xxxxxxxxxxxx
  #   access_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  #   secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  #   role_name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- provider: azure
  tenant_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  client_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  client_secret: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  subscription_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  # The subscription_id field takes one or more subscription IDs.
  # subscription_id:
  #   - xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  #   - xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  # The ignore field takes a list of Azure resource types to ignore during scanning.
  # ignore:
  #   - Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
  #   - Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups
  #   - Microsoft.Sql/servers
  #   - Microsoft.Network/dnszones
  #   - Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
- provider: gcp
  organization_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
  service_account_json_file: service_account.json
  service_account_email: censys-cloud-connector@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  # The ignore field takes a list of GCP resource types to ignore during scanning.
  # ignore:
  #   - google.compute.Address
  #   - google.container.Cluster
  #   - google.cloud.sql.Instance
  #   - google.cloud.dns.ManagedZone
  #   - google.cloud.storage.Bucket

Local Deployment

To run the connector, you can use the command line interface.

poetry run censys-cc scan  # Scan cloud assets

The censys-cc scan command runs the connector.

Default settings

  • The connector will scan for assets from all providers in providers.yml.
  • The connector will run once.

Additional options

  • You can specify one or more providers in the command line with the flag --provider. The connector will only scan for assets from the specified providers.

  • You can set a scheduled interval for the connector to run on with the flag --daemon. This option takes in a time interval in hours. If you do not specify an interval, the default will be set to 1 hour.

    censys-cc scan --daemon       # Run every 1 hour
    censys-cc scan --daemon 1.5   # Run every 1.5 hours

We offer several Terraform deployment options for you to choose from. These options deploy the connector to the serverless environment in your provider's cloud.

This option deploys the connector to GCP as a Google Cloud Function.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

This option deploys the connector to Azure as a Azure Function.

This method assumes you have Docker installed and running on your server.

  1. Authenticate to the GitHub Container Registry

  2. Pull the Docker image

docker pull gcr.io/censys-io/censys-cloud-connector:latest
  • If your environment does not allow you to pull the Docker image, you can build it from the Dockerfile using the following command. You can then push the image to a Docker registry.

    docker build -t gcr.io/censys-io/censys-cloud-connector:latest .
  1. Run the Docker container

The following command will run the Docker container. You can specify the environment variables you want to pass to the container using the -e flag. The container also requires the providers.yml file. The -v flag will mount the providers.yml file as a volume. If your providers.yml references additional secret files, you can mount it as a volume as well. The -d flag is used to run the container in the background. We also include the --rm flag to ensure the container is removed after it has finished.

# Ensure you have sourced your environmental variables
source .env

# Mount the providers.yml and secrets files as volumes
docker run -d --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/secrets:/app/secrets \
  gcr.io/censys-io/censys-cloud-connector:latest \
  scan --daemon 4

# Alternatively if you do not need the secrets volume
docker run -d --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \
  gcr.io/censys-io/censys-cloud-connector:latest \
  scan --daemon 4

# Additionally if you only need to scan once
docker run --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/providers.yml:/app/providers.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/secrets:/app/secrets \

More information about the --daemon flag is found here.

This method assumes you have Docker and Docker Compose installed and running on your server.

  1. Run the Docker Compose file
docker-compose up -d
  1. [Optional] Run your connector on a scheduled interval

Uncomment the line # command: scan --daemon 4 in docker-compose.yml.

Details about the --daemon option can be found here.

This method assumes you have Kubernetes installed and running on your server.

Confirm Results

Visit the Seed Data Page and the Storage Buckets Page to confirm that you're seeing seeds and storage buckets from your cloud provider(s).

Known Issues

Azure Scan Immediately After Creating a Service Principal

In the case where the user has just run the censys-cc config command for Azure and then promptly runs the censys-cc scan command, the scan may fail with a ClientSecretCredential.get_token failed exception. This is due to the fact that Azure is in the process of creating the service principal. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

Example error message:

ClientSecretCredential.get_token failed: Authentication failed: AADSTS7000215:Invalid client secret provided. Ensure the secret being sent in the request is the client secret value, not the client secret ID, for a secret added to app 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.


My Python Version is Not Compatible

It is highly recommended that a Python version shim like pyenv is used. Once installed, Poetry will make a virtualenv using the correct version of Python automatically.

AWS Policy Actions

The following permissions are required to scan:

  • route53:ListHostedZones,
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers,
  • route53domains:ListDomains,
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces,
  • rds:DescribeDBInstances,
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets,
  • ecs:ListContainerInstances,
  • apigateway:GET,
  • s3:GetBucketLocation,
  • s3:ListBucket,
  • s3:ListAllMyBuckets,
  • ecs:ListClusters

Azure Roles

Ensure the account's Access control (IAM) role has the following permission to create a service principal with a Reader role:

  • Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write over scope /subscriptions/uuid

The following permissions will be used with this service principal:

  • Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/read
  • Microsoft.Network/dnszones/read
  • Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/read
  • Microsoft.Sql/servers/read
  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read

If you see the following error message, check that you are logged into an account with the correct permissions:

The client 'user@example.com' with object id 'uuid' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/uuid' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.

GCP Service Account Keys

If you encounter the following error while configuring your GCP Cloud Connector, a likely cause is that your service account has reached its maximum quota of keys.

Failed to enable service account. ERROR: (gcloud.iam.service-accounts.keys.create) FAILED_PRECONDITION: Precondition check failed.

Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts to manage your service account keys.

Developer Documentation

All contributions (no matter how small) are always welcome. See Contributing to the Cloud Connector to change or test the code or for information on the CI/CD pipeline.


This software is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0

  • Copyright (C) 2022 Censys, Inc.