
Primary LanguageVim Script


Pre-requisite for Mac

Install Firefox

Install homebrew to install git and clone this repo

curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh | sh
eval "$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)"
brew install git
git clone https://github.com/andrewalexander/dotfiles

Install alacritty or iTerm for terminal


# make init # for linux
make init-mac # for mac
make install
make plugins


Uses the arch gvim package even for vim so that it gets compiled with +clipboard and can use the system clipboard which alacritty is also configured to share.

Uses stow to create symlinks of everything in config/ to ~/

Further customization for mac

System Settings we can't necessarily automate (or can we? 🤔). We usually won't have to do this unless it's a brand new mac or a truly fresh install.

Even if a Security Response breaks our install on an out of support mac, we can always re-install the OS using our recovery drive via the OpenCore Legacy Patcher USB Boot Drive we will keep around (or create in a pinch).

  • it is unclear if re-installing macos via the recovery partition will install the last officially supported macOS version apple released for the hardware or if it will use the version installed with Open Core Legacy Patcher. Rather than find out the last time around, I just used the USB drive to do a clean Mojave install (Disk Utiliy -> Erase Macintosh HD before installing Mojave).


Software Update

Automatic Updates -> Install macOS updates: Disabled -> Install App store updates: Disabled -> Install Security Responses: Disabled - one of the more recent ones made the mac unbootable and i had to reinstall; even after removing it it would hang after the keyboard's backlight would turn on




Dark Highlight Color: Purple

Show Scroll bars: Always Click in the scroll bar to: Jump to the spot that's clicked


Pointer Control

Trackpad Options... -> Use trackpad for dragging: Enabled -> Dragging Style: Three Finger Drag

Control Center

Wifi: Don't Show Bluetooth: Don't Show AirDrop: Don't Show Focus: Active Stage Manager: Don't Show Screen Recording: Active Display: Active Sound: Always Now Playing: Don't Show

Battery -> Show in menu bar: Enabled -> Show Percentage: Enabled

Clock Options... -> Show Day of the week -> Use 24 hour -> Display time with seconds

Spotlight: Don't Show Siri: Don't Show

Siri & Spotlight

Disable Ask Siri


  • Events & Reminders
  • Fonts
  • Siri Suggestions
  • Tips

Privacy & Security

Location Services


Desktop & Dock

Size: Second to smallest Minimize windows into application icon

Recent documents: 5

Prefer tabs when opening docs: Always

Stage Manager: Disabled

Default Browser: Firefox

Screen Saver

Shifting Tiles w/ default colors

Lock Screen

Screen Saver: 5 mins Display off on battery: after 2 mins Display off AC power: 20 mins Require password: 15 mins

Login window shows: Name and password Show sleep, restart, and shutdown buttons


Re-map modifier keys: Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Modifier Keys on the left nav

  • caps lock is control on both keyboards
  • for external keyboard, swap option and command

update key repeat rate to fastest available; delay until repeat at second to shortest


Point & Click

Force Click and Haptic feedback off (with old mac, irrelevant/not functional) Look up and data detectors off Secondary Click: Click or Tap with Two Fingers Tap to click enabled

Scroll & Zoom

Natural scrolling off zoom in or out on smart zoom off rotate on

More Gestures

Swipe between apps with 4 fingers Mission Control and App Expose use 4 fingers Disable Launchpad Disable Show Desktop

Set up Printer

Just add it :D